
"Please, can we go somewhere private to talk?" Padmé asked me with some desperation in her voice.

"Once I complete my business here." I told Padmé who nodded, while ringing her hands together as I walked over to Anakin who was sitting on what looked like a parts conveyor.

"Hey kid…you a slave?" I asked Anakin who developed an offended look in his face.

"I'm not a slave, I'm a person." Anakin replied to me with an angry pouty expression on his face.

"Easy there killer, are you a slave? Is that Toydarian your owner?" I asked Anakin who looked down at the floor and nodded.

"Slavery is outlawed in the Republic!" Padmé nearly shouted her voice filled with disbelief and outrage.

"This isn't the Republic Padmé, this is Hutt space and slavery is a very lucrative industry…even some officials in the Republic own slaves and pass them off as servants." I told Padmé while patting her shoulder and sitting on my haunches so I could look Anakin in the face.

"What's your name kid? My name is Shane…I have an idea to help set you free if you think you're up for it." I asked Anakin while introducing myself to him, while also giving him a small smile and a little wink that made his mouth drop open.

"Really? What's your idea mister?" Anakin asked me and I smirked.

"I know the Boonta Eve Classic is coming up soon…and I can tell you're a skilled racer, and I bet your owner over there is a gambler and may be willing to make a bet or two, one of them…could be you, I bet you even have a pod to race in but can't do anything with it because of that Toydarian, am I right Ani?" Anakin looked at me with big, interested eyes that glowed with excitement before he looked downwards and kicked the air with his feet lightly.

"Hey, Ani…you know you and I aren't so different, I was a kid once too and used to love racing…even though I was made to do so by my owner." I lied to Anakin who looked up at me with wide eyes.

"I bet your dream is to become a pilot and visit every star system possible right?" I asked Anakin who nodded while looking at me with his mouth hanging open slightly.

"It was my dream once too, I'd like to help you make your dream come true if you'll let me…" I said to Anakin who nodded rapidly and then hugged me but quickly jumped back and looked embarrassed with a slight dusting of red on his face.

I felt Padmé rest her hand on my shoulder, which made me turn my head to face her and saw that she was looking at me with big doe eyes.

"Ah, so many off worlders in one day, what can I do you for? stranger." I heard Watto's grating voice ring in my ears occupied by his rapid beating wings as he called out to me from a nearby entryway as he re-entered the shop with Qui-Gon.

"A Toydarian on Tatooine…I'm sure there's an interesting story behind that." I greeted Watto with a fake smile.

"Hahaha, aye there is, ahh, I'm Watto owner of this shop." Watto laughed and introduced himself.

"I figured…I'm in the market for a chef/butler droid…and a mechanic. I'd prefer the flesh and blood kind when it comes to a mechanic. Now I doubt you'd want to part with such a good one…" I replied to Watto while pointing my thumb towards Anakin, while hearing the whispered conversations between Qui-Gon and Padmé while Padmé told Qui-Gon to carry on without her, as Padmé and the little mismatched crew stood near the entrance of the store.

I could see Watto quickly becoming disinterested in my conversation.

"Now, I know the Boonta Eve Classic is coming up…so maybe you'd be willing to make a bet or two as well, I've got a modified Sheathipede shuttle, a few B1 battle droids a couple B2's and a couple Droidekas, along with a bout twenty thousand Peggs and a Pod. Now little Anakin here, tells me he's quite the racer, but me myself I haven't gotten into a pod in years, I'd like to propose a business arrangement, I supply the pod…you supply Anakin and we split the entry fee, if Anakin by some miracle wins I take ownership of Anakin and his mother you take the winnings…if Anakin loses, you get my Peggs, droids and ship." He was looking disinterested until I brought up pod races and gambling, which made Watto's eyes light up, and nod while rubbing his chin.

"Hahaha, the boy's a credit to your race…but he's never won a race, or finished one for that matter." Watto replied to me with a greazy smile on his face.

"Hey, I saved that Pod…I would have run the race if Sebulba didn't vent his ion drives at me." Anakin expressed both sounding depressed and outraged at the same time which made me reach out and pat his shoulder.

"Then, doesn't that make it all the more exciting, I'm a sucker for an underdog story, plus in my line of work a new ship and a small fortune are easy to recuperate…so what do you say, we got a deal?" I replied to Watto as sleazily as I could while wearing a lopsided grin.

"Haha, I like you, off worlder…we have a deal." Watto laughed and proffered, me his hand whose hand I took and shook and even though my armor/gloves I could feel his greasiness.

"Haha, pleasure doing business with you." I replied to Watto with a fake smile as I shook his hand before releasing it.

"I have some prior business to take care of, with the miss over there…Anakin nice meeting you kid I'll have one of my droids fetch you, so you can get familiar with the pod you'll be racing…if that's alright with you partner?" I said to Watto and Anakin while trying to get Anakin some free time away from his work.

"Haha, take the boy with you…he's done for the day anyways, you can keep him until the races." Watto said to me and I nodded.

"Yippie!" Anakin expressed happily as he hopped off of the conveyor belt and bounced next to my hip happily.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Watto." I said again while patting Anakin's shoulder and moving to join Padmé who was waiting by the door, with a soft smile on her face as she looked between us.

"Go on home, Ani, I'll find you when my business with Padmé is complete." I told the young man as I tousled his hair playfully.

"O-okay." Anakin replied to me while shooting a look at Padmé and blushing fiercely before running off.

"Haha, cute kid has a crush on you…not that I blame him, you do fit the mythos for the angels of Dagoba." I laughed softly while turning to look at Padmé who was blushing while looking at me.

"Please follow me Padmé, we can go…complete our business aboard my ship." I said to Padmé with a slight smirk as I offered her my arm.

"Thank you…" Padmé said softly while slipping her arm into mine.

'Siri, give me directions back to the hangar please…I forgot where it was.' I asked my A.I. for help.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Padmé missed a step at seeing my battle droids and ship but I think the black as green circuitry look I gave my Sheathipede shuttle, and droids slightly set her at ease.

"How did you get all of these? How did you escape Nute Gunray?" Padmé asked as she started to become confrontational, making me tap my chest twice rapidly activating combat mode for the nanite armor.

"They couldn't keep me there, I was out of there as soon as I found out where they kept their private ships, but while I was in the main command center of the lead control vessel, I used my armor to upload a special…little splicing program I created, that once it finishes cracking their firewalls and fail-safes will let me shut down their control of the droids on the planet of Naboo, I was going to make contact with the Queen of Naboo…and sell her the video evidence of the conversation I overheard along with my help in stopping the droid army, but communications to the planet are jammed and if I use my program to bypass it they'll be able to discover my intrusion into their systems." I told Padmé while activating stealth mode once more returning back to my casual clothes.

As I looked at Padmé, I saw her standing there with her mouth hanging open while she blinked rapidly, probably trying to process everything she'd just been told.

Resting my hand against the small of her back guiding her into my ship and onto the elevator that brought us into my living area.

Guiding her over to the square couch, gently guiding her into her seat. 

Padmé broke out of whatever thoughts she was lost in and stood up, smoothing out her clothes, putting her hands behind her back before looking at me intently. 

"I am Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo, I will fulfill any requests you have of me, if you aid me and my people." Padmé said to me her back straight her countenance regal her voice carrying a quality of command. 

'It would be bad if I rolled my eyes right now.' I thought to myself finding Padmé a bit cute when she played the part of a royal queen, but it also seemed forced for her to do so. 

"If you truly are the Queen of Naboo…I would be happy to be of service to the people of Naboo and their Queen, for the right price…but, I'm sure you can understand that your timing and circumstances are…questionable at best." I replied to Padmé as I cupped her chin, Padmé started to blush fiercely I could feel the heat of her blush against my hand.  

"Tell me…why would the Queen of Naboo be on one of the most dangerous planets in the galaxy, alone without her royal procession and a protective detail...posing as a lowly handmaiden traveling with a wanna be jedi, a retarded Gungan and an Astromech, or why said Queen would follow a man she doesn't know to a partially secluded space port?" I continued speaking to Padmé and noticed her leaning in closer to me to the point our faces were only a few inches apart. 

"Qui-Gon is very much a Jedi, and JarJar is not a retard, he's just clumsy…the safest way for me to travel is as an unassuming handmaiden. And we're here to get parts to repair my ship, or find an alternative method of transport off of the planet." Padmé replied to me as her breathing became a bit heavy as she finished speaking, her royal and regal countenance completely gone now as her nose twitched cutely. 

"You're too beautiful to be an unassuming handmaiden Padmé." I replied with a smirk in my voice as I pressed my lips against Padmé's, Padmé jumped slightly in shock but didn't pull away.   

It was a tentative kiss at first but once I pushed my tongue into Padme's mouth the intensity as passion quadrupled, to the point I found myself pushing her down onto the couch. 

My hand that had been cupping Padmé's chin, moved along her cheek down her neck which made Padmé moan into my mouth as her hands wandered around my neck and my head before moving to my shoulders.

My hand slid down grabbing one of her small b-cup breasts through her tunic.

"Ahhn." Padmé released a breathy moan into my mouth pausing our kiss for only the slightest of moments, as she ground her sex against my knee that was between her thighs.

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"You can't tell anyone about this…if, if it got out that the Queen of Naboo had sex with, with a sc-scoundrel…while her people suffered…breaking the vow of celibacy…" Padmé said to me pausing a bit between sentences gauging my reactions to her words.

I couldn't help but scoff slightly.

"Don't overestimate yourself handmaiden…you were good but not good enough to brag about." I replied to Padmé with a shrug and a slight smirk as I saw a fire in Padmé's eyes, and knew I hit a nerve.

Padmé got out of the bed without a single word, it was obvious she was a bit sore from her gentle but also angry/aggressive movements as she started to put her clothes on.

"There's a data chip on the counter near the rations dispenser…it has the recording of what I witnessed on it." I told Padmé while staring at her firm ass, as she paused in getting dressed at my interruption.

"After the race…once Anakin and his mother are free, I'll help you and your people get off the planet and to Coruscant, if you still need it…and if you're really from Naboo traveling with the Queen you won't find a Hyperdrive for a 327 J type, that specific Hyperdrive is exclusively produced and used only for the royal star cruiser of the Queen…stupid fucking Jedi, I'd think the Queen herself would know that as well." I continued speaking while noticing Padmé's struggle to come up with a response to me as she stood frozen not even finishing dressing herself, not that I minded the view.

"W-why?" Padmé asked me with both fire and fragility carried in her voice.

"I knew who you were the moment I saw you…Queen Padmé Naberrie Amidala, the truth was I was going to bribe you into having sex with me before even meeting you. But that plan went out the window the second I saw you running your fingers across the shelving in that shit hole, seeing how sheltered you really were from the greater political schemes of the broader galaxy." I told Padmé as the truth was I let my bleeding heart get in the way of good business and common sense like I always do…just this time had the added benefit of getting my dick wet.

"Y-YOU WERE GOING TO USE THE SUFFERING OF MY PEOPLE T-TO BLACKMAIL ME INTO GIVING MYSELF TO YOU, YOU'RE A VILE MONSTER ! ! !" Padmé screamed at me as tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"I am." I nodded in agreement and I could see that Padmé was truly hurt by my confession.

'Wait…did Padmé really catch feelings for me…this quick?' I wondered to myself while looking at her, inspecting her body language, finding that the indicators were all there and even though she just called me a vile monster there wasn't any hate in her eyes sure there was anger and desire but it was mostly hurt.

Padmé started blinking away tears.

"I don't believe you…" Padmé finally said while trailing off staring at me with a veritable storm raging in her eyes the promised to consume everything in her path.

'That is the Padmé that ingrained my love of strong fierce women into my mind at three years old…well except for my grandmother who is probably the real reason for my desire for strong and fierce women.' I thought to myself as I felt a challenge being pointed at me from Padmé as her clothes found their place…back on the floor of my ship, as she marched the two or three steps back to my bed, before pouncing on top of me.

"It's about time you show the real you." I whispered to Padmé as she smashed her lips against mine, forcing her tongue into my mouth as I grabbed her by her hips.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

"Why didn't you?" Padmé asked me while she laid in my bed, while I spooned her from behind.

"It's not me…even though I thought it could be." I replied to Padmé as I planted a few kisses along her shoulder.

"Thank you for deciding to help my people…and me." Padmé replied to me softly, her voice growing thick with unsure emotions.

"Sure…no problem, I should go check on Ani and get you back to your Jedi body guard your grace." I replied to Padmé teasingly using the words your grace.

"Hey I know it's a little late but how old are you anyways?" I asked Padmé her age as I stood up from the bed and over to the sonic scrubber that rose from the floor and lowered from the ceiling surrounding me on all four sides and above/below me.

"That is a rather rude and inappropriately timed question…to ask after we already, he-hem…but I assure you I am of galactic civil age of consent…I'm 18, I took the throne a little less than a year ago." Padmé informed me which deviated from the source material but it also made sense since Padmé is much more developed than Natalie Portman was at fourteen in the real world.

'Shew, I feel like I dodged a bullet.' I thought to myself while feeling relieved that Padmé was at/is 18 years old.

"What you said to Anakin, were you really a slave like him?" Padmé asked me while sitting upright in my bed using a sheet to cover her bare body.

"We are all slaves Padmé…just with different masters." I replied to Padmé while stepping out of the sonic scrubber.

"W-will you accompany us to Coruscant?" Padmé asked me as her eyes roamed my naked body, her gaze lingering on my tattoos, my abs and my cock.

"I'm not really a fighter, though I can use my weapons well enough and have had some experience fighting…'and killing.' I probably won't be of any real use to you as I won't testify to what I've seen to the Republic Senate, but if you'll have me…and we can repeat what we've done here a few times already I'd be happy to join you, also my program won't finish taking control of the control ship and the droids for at least another month." I replied to the beautiful young nubile brunette that was warning my bed still.

"That is fine…I'm neither a fighter or a good ruler, so I have no right to judge you for such things? Though you have proven to be an ally to me and the people of Naboo. And a good man, trying to help free a boy and his mother from slavery…by betting everything you have on him with no guarantee of success, and even still you have promised that you would help us get off-world and to Coruscant even if things should not work out in your favor, I don't think I'd ever find a man better than you to place my faith in." Padmé gave me a long winded and regal sounding speech that was only slightly diminished in impactfulness, by the fact she was naked in my bed with my cum leaking from between her thighs.

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