Alliance Disobedience

As the celebrations ended in the Halls of Calden Castle, soldiers and merchants began to leave.

But for Quentin, the wedding celebrations were not over yet. Quentin and Arabelle needed to attend the banquet dinner with the Lords of House Helferich's alliance.

Quentin and Arabelle sat in the centre seat of the banquet hall, with a 'U' shaped table.

On the right and left sides were Lords of small houses spread across the Lanercoast lands. Six small houses ruled this land, but only four lords of the house came to fulfil Helferich's invitation.

One by one, the lords of each house began to give presents as a form of appreciation for the marriage between Quentin and Arabelle.

They gave both presents in chests, either large or medium chests. Quentin asked Sir Colton to open the chest one after another.

House Hayford gave two doves with snow-white feathers that were well maintained; white doves are a symbol of love.

House Oakheart gave a beautiful vase made of the finest oak right after they knew Arabelle loved flowers.

House Ironcrest gave them armour, the only house that gave presents in large chests.

And the last was House Dunn, who gave a present in the form of a luxurious shirt dress typical of knitting in Dunn City.

Quentin stood up from seated, stepping around the table until he reached the hall's centre. He clearly saw that the presents meant a lot to him and Arabelle.

"Thank you for your generous presents. They are very precious to us," Quentin declared.

"I am glad to see that many of you, my lords, still put your trust and oath in Helferich," Quentin explained.

"Then what about House Anselm and Murdheim?" asked Lord John, the leader of House Dunn.

In the centre of the hall, Prince Quentin glanced to the side, looking at Lord John intently, "I hope they have a good excuse for not coming to our wedding."

"I guess House Anselm can no longer bear the shame of Lord Jaelys having failed to marry Lady Arabelle," revealed Lord Toman Hayford, Lord of Hayford.

"But Murdheim has not received any refusal from Helferich. Why didn't they come?" asked Lord Karron Oakheart, Lord of Oakheart.

"Perhaps he thinks his proposal will also be rejected by Lord Edgar, considering Anselm was rejected by him as well," replied Elmar Ironcrest, Lord of Ironcrest.

"This is our wedding celebration. We don't want to sour this moment of happiness with such wild rumours spreading in the minds of the lords," Quentin replied.

They nodded, wrongly using the moment where they should be having fun and being happy in this wedding celebration instead of continuing to rumour about why Anselm and Murdheim were not coming.

Quentin nodded quietly to the waiter standing close to the banquet hall door. The servant nodded and knew very well what she had to do.

The banquet room door opened, revealing the servants walking inside, pushing a cart filled with dinner menus. One by one, the servants began serving the food on their tables.

The food served on the table was not a simple dish either. A luxurious menu with ingredients made from meat and eggs and the best wine to accompany their dinner.

Quentin smiled. He turned his body around, walked back to his table, and sat beside Arabelle.

"I knew it. They won't be coming to this celebration," Arabelle replied.

"That's proof enough of their disobedience. I will send a message to Anselm and Murdheim, asking them to come and pledge their loyalty to Helferich," Quentin revealed.

"If they still refuse, what will you do?" asked Arabelle.

"They will feel how powerful Helferich's army is."




"I did not expect Prince Edmund to act so recklessly," replied Harold Ivo, Athalaris' minister of war.

"I rather see it as an act of bravery and heroism. Prince Alexander is imprisoned in Northcrest; they are still reluctant to let him go," replied Archmage Dieter, always supporting Prince Edmund.

"Don't you understand? Prince Edmund's actions could destabilize the market, making food prices rise," Harold Ivo replied.

"It's my job to make sure the economy in the country is under control," stated Gerrard Redwyne, the finance minister.

"Your job is to prevent Prince Edmund from travelling to the north. You are the minister of war. You have control over the entire Athalaris army," Gerrard replied.

Gerrard grinned with both eyes forward, looking at Harold intently, "You've shown your failure, Harold. You should be ashamed before His Majesty."

A long debate ensued between them. Harold and Gerrard were still arguing, followed by other ministers giving their opinions on this incident.

King Otto Reingard, sitting limply on the throne, was sick of it. He shouted loudly to the front while scolding his ministers who debated about Edmund's departure from Castlebourne.

"My two princes are outside and threatened with death. Don't you care about such a thing, damn it!" snapped King Otto.

"You keep talking about economics, markets, food prices, and other things that are less important than the well-being of my heirs," King Otto replied.

"If they both die, who will take over my succession?!" growled King Otto.

They all fell silent; King Otto often rested in his chamber. This month, King Otto's condition had worsened due to his illness.

"There is one more prince, Your Majesty," Harold explained.

"Who? Quentin?!" King Otto insisted, asking.

Standing in the row of ministers, Harold nodded with both eyes to the side, looking at King Otto sitting on his throne.

"What do you mean I should dig up his grave and ask him to lead with a skull and bones?" asked King Otto, starting to show his annoyance.

"Prince Quentin is still alive. He lives in Calden Castle," replied Harold.

"Tch! That arrogant house always bears a grudge against me. Didn't I tell you Caty was killed by bandits?!" retorted King Otto.

"They don't believe Queen Catherine was killed by a group of bandits. There are no bandits who have the capabilities of the Queen's escort," Harold retorted.

"So, are you accusing me of plotting the assassination of my own wife?" asked King Otto, still arguing with Harold.

"No, Your Majesty. I am merely relaying intelligence information to you," replied Harold.

"Let's stop talking about Caty. Send an envoy to Helferich. I order Quentin to take Edmund's place in Castlebourne's army and have Edmund return to Telmarath immediately," ordered King Otto.

Harold would immediately carry out the order by sending a peace envoy to Lanercoast. King Otto glanced to his right, seeing that Howard was absent from the throne room.

"How many days has Howard been imprisoned in his room?" asked King Otto.

"Three days, Your Majesty," Dieter replied.

"It is time for him to be free. I have suspended Prince Edmund's order and decided to release Duke Howard immediately," stated King Otto.

"I cannot die in peace if the kingdom I rule is in chaos like this. You all must carry out my orders in my last days," King Otto commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After the palace council meeting was over, King Otto returned to his room, escorted by the palace soldiers. However, it was different for Harold, who was tasked with going to Howard's study.

He needed to carry out King Otto's orders, freeing Duke Howard, imprisoned in his study.

Right when he arrived before Duke Howard's study, the two guard soldiers spread their spears, forbidding Harold to enter.

"His Majesty ordered me to release Duke Howard," Harold explained.

"No one is allowed to release Duke Howard until Prince Edmund returns," stated one of the soldiers.

Harold squinted his eyes while crossing his arms, staring intimidatingly ahead, "So, you want to make His Majesty reaffirm his words?"

"The ministers in the palace council bear witness to His Majesty's words to release Duke Howard," Harold emphasized.

"What he said is true. His Majesty asks for Duke Howard's immediate release," affirmed Dieter, walking towards Howard's study.

Realizing the two palace officials said the same, the two soldiers agreed to Harold and Dieter's request. They opened the door to Howard's study and showed him a dark room with a strong odour of urine and human faeces.

"It's sad to see you confined to your own filth, Howard," Harold replied, walking in.

"Did Your Majesty release me?" asked Howard.

"Yes. We don't know what happened between you and Prince Edmund. However, your presence in the palace council is needed. His Majesty's health is getting worse," explained Dieter.

"It is time for me to leave," Howard replied.

Howard's appearance was a mess, hair dishevelled, body stinking of sweat because he hadn't bathed for three days, and body emaciated with untouched food.

"Has Prince Edmund ridden north yet?" asked Howard.

Harold cleared his throat as he stood in the doorway, "He has marched away, leading 30,000 soldiers with him."