The Eagle and The Wolf


Sideriver Village.


"How is she?" asked Quentin.

The man walked into a chamber at the inn reserved for Helferich. The chamber was occupied by Marcella, and since three days ago, Lady Marcela had been ill.

Arabelle was the one who had been the busiest in looking after Marcella. Now, she was already treated by the village physician and sleeping peacefully in the inn's chamber.

Quentin saw Marcella's imagined tomboyish figure lying limply on the bed, wrapped in a thick blanket with a hot cloth to compress her forehead.

Arabelle was there, as well as Princess Mary. When they heard the opening of the door and the question that came out of Quentin's mouth, they immediately turned their faces away.

"Quentin," Arabelle greeted.

Quentin's eyes were directed back to Marcella as Arabelle's hands gently massaged her younger sister's legs.

"Ever since she could lie here comfortably, her condition has improved," Arabelle replied.

Quentin cleared his throat. He lifted his leg forward to approach Marcella's bed, where Arabelle sat before the bed while Mary sat beside Marcella.

Now, Quentin stood right between Arabelle and Mary, his eyes focused on Marcella, who was still sleeping.

"Has she never been on a trip like this before?" asked Quentin.

"Edgar never invited her. He always took me instead of Marcella," Arabelle replied.

"So, this is her first trip?" asked Quentin. Arabelle nodded and cleared her throat, gently massaging Marcella's legs.

"You don't have to worry. She'll recover quickly," said Arabelle.

Quentin said yes, hoping that Marcella would indeed recover quickly. It was not without reason. There was something else Quentin wanted to do with Marcella.

That was why Quentin brought Marcella with him in the entourage this time. Quentin himself has not told Arabelle about the real reason.

"Then what about Archibald?" asked Arabelle.

"They haven't shown themselves yet. It looks like they haven't come yet," replied Quentin.

"Though the distance from Wintercrest to Hallen River is closer than from Hallen River to Calden Castle," said Arabelle.

Quentin squinted his eyes, trying to figure out what was happening in Northcrest. If he was trying to relate it to the Telmarath-Northcrest war, Telmarath's army couldn't have reached the heart of Northcrest, Wintercrest.

"I'm sure something happened to them, so Archibald's entourage hasn't arrived yet," Quentin stated.

Just as Arabelle and Quentin talked together, a soldier seemed to rush into Marcella's chamber.

The arrival of the soldier in armor and a red cloak with a white eagle symbol surprised Quentin and Arabelle. Both of them spontaneously looked back, watching the soldier with seriousness.

"What's wrong?" asked Arabelle.

"My apologies, Lord Quentin, Lady Arabelle. I've come with news from the Hallen River," explained the soldier.

"What is it?" asked Quentin.

"A green flag with a white wolf crest is spotted as far as the eye can see from the west of the Hallen River," the soldier replied.

Arabelle exchanged a momentary glance with Quentin, and the woman reflexively nodded. She signaled to Quentin the flag belonged to Archibald.

"I understand," Quentin explained, stepping away from the place along with the soldier who gave him the information, "Get the lads to saddle their horses."

"Very well, My Lord."

The soldier dashed away from the chamber, while Quentin just walked casually until his steps stopped outside Marcella's chamber.

Seeing Quentin stop his stride made Arabelle's attention again diverted to look at Quentin, her eyes squinting, trying to understand the meaning of Quentin's halt.

"If Marcella is awake, please let me know immediately," Quentin pleaded, turning his head briefly to the side.

Arabelle and Mary nodded, then smiled in agreement with Quentin's order. They didn't expect anything from Quentin's request. The only thing they could think of was that Quentin was so worried about Marcella's condition.

They knew what they had to do. Quentin was happy to see that they would carry out his orders.

Quentin left the place on a horse, riding eastward to meet the encamped soldiers close to the Hallen River.

The arrival of Quentin, who looked dashing in a royal suit, immediately alerted the soldiers. On each camp that was set up, there was a red flag with a white eagle marking the encampment of House Helferich soldiers.

"Are they close?" asked Quentin.

One of the soldiers said yes, walking towards the horse ridden by Quentin while kneeling obediently, bowing his head, "They are riding towards here, My Lord."

"Get the banners and canoes ready. We need to greet them," Quentin emphasized.

The man dismounted, approaching the small wooded area to meet with Archibald's leader.

Quentin's eyes clearly saw the green flag of the white wolf as it approached the east bank of the Hallen River, growing larger and larger.

After Helferich's flag was ready, Quentin told his soldiers to walk with him through the small forest to reach the shores of the Hallen River.

Five soldiers walked with the red flag of the white eagle, while the other ten did not. They followed behind Quentin.

The route to the river had been made before by the villagers who used it frequently or by Helferich's soldiers.

Now, Quentin was fully standing on the shore of the clear river with a small width, staring ahead at the other side of the river that had entered Archibald's land.

There was a middle-aged man with a large physique, not fat, but athletic. His white hair was shoulder-length, with scars clearly displayed on his face, the impact of the war he had won.

Quentin spontaneously bowed his head, saluting the leader of House Archibald. The white-haired man dismounted from his horse, stepping closer to the riverbank with his sharp eyes focused on the figure of a young man in a royal suit and maroon coat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, the Mighty Wolf of Northcrest!" praised Quentin.

"Haha! Where's Edgar? I will only talk to him, not a young man like you," said Roman Archibald, the leader of House Archibald.

It seemed he hadn't come alone. He came with his three children, one male and two female.

Two of his children were of marriageable age, while the other was still a teenager - the same age as Princess Mary.

"I am sorry if I have to disappoint you, Lord Archibald. Edgar is ill and under extra care," Quentin revealed.

"I will represent him speaking with you, Lord Archibald. My name is Quentin Reingard, Lord of Helferich," Quentin explained, joining in the introductions.

"Tch! Damn, prince. Why are all princes always looking for trouble with me? Edmund is in the south; you are in the west!" Roman complained.

"My purpose for coming here is not to get into trouble with you but to help you with your trade," Quentin stated.

Roman narrowed his eyes, staring at Quentin, hoping to intimidate the young man. However, what surprised Roman was that Quentin's expression was as ambitious as any other lord of a great House.

"With Edmund's soldiers controlling the Trident Trade, you've found it difficult to trade. I offer you a new path, a new route that will cross Calden Castle," Quentin replied.

"So, you will build a bridge here to make it easier for my folk to trade?" asked Norman.

"That is correct, Lord Archibald. It is also your will to approve it," replied Quentin.

Norman smiled, crossing his arms as he occasionally nodded his head, "I like your manners, much better than Edmund shit and Alexander the jerk!"

"I always respect someone important to me. For the people of Lanercoast, this discussion is important to our food security," Quentin replied.

"We will build the bridge, then I will not collect any taxes from Northcrest merchants. Helferich will buy any goods Northcrest merchants sell at the appropriate price," Quentin explained.

Norman widened his eyes. It was a tempting offer as it would save him a lot of money from tax administration costs and distribution costs.

"So, you will buy all our goods and sell them by yourself?" asked Norman.

"Allow me to do that, Lord Norman," Quentin replied, keeping his head down.

The leader of House Archibald was a well-known arrogant man, showing Quentin's prowess was pointless when dealing with Norman. The only thing Quentin could do was show that he was inferior to Norman.

Norman will mellow and believe in Quentin. After all, they must run the economy amid the battle against Telmarath.

One of the young men whispered to Norman, saying something Quentin couldn't hear. However, in the end, Norman decided something.

"Let me have a discussion first. Tomorrow, we will meet again here," Norman replied firmly.

"Alright. We entrust the decision of our request to you, Lord Archibald." Quentin allowed Norman to discuss Quentin's request with his children and advisors.

They began to walk away from the riverbank, leaving Quentin alone with his soldiers.

'You have no choice but to accept my request, Norman.'