Hidden Coup Plot


Sideriver Village.


Quentin walked into his chamber, his right hand seemingly clutching a bottle of wine with his left holding two glasses.

The door had been open for a while, and Arabelle was sitting gracefully in front of the dressing mirror. She was wearing her charming nightgown —Arabelle's face was already beautiful and looked adult.

It was the man who took the initiative to pick up the wine bottle because it looked like he needed to drink the wine to ease his head that kept thinking about uncertain things.

Quentin's arrival in the chamber suddenly attracted Arabelle's attention. She turned her head to the right side, smiling broadly when the woman's eyes focused on the wine bottle Quentin was holding.

"I didn't expect you to bring the wine on this trip," Arabelle explained.

"It's been a long journey. It wouldn't be good if we did not enjoy alcohol," Quentin stated.

Quentin stepped closer. Since there were no couches or other wooden chairs, the man sat cross-legged on the bed.

"What is the situation around the Hallen River?" asked Arabelle, still washing off her makeup with fresh water.

"Norman Archibald has arrived. As you might have guessed, he's arrogant," said Quentin.

"So, you can tell his attitude by how he speaks, huh?" asked Arabelle.

Quentin cleared his throat. His right hand began pouring the wine bottle into a glass for him while Arabelle was still not finished with her activities.

"From the expression on his face, I can guess how he is," Quentin replied.

"Then how did you respond to him?" asked Arabelle, stopping what she was doing.

Arabelle's eyes were focused on Quentin. It just so happened that the bed in the chamber was behind the dressing table, so Arabelle did not need to turn her body around; she only needed to look at Quentin through the mirror's reflection.

"I cannot show my prowess nor my selfishness. He thinks he's better than me or Edgar," Quentin replied.

"Having a large wheat field makes Norman arrogant like he controls the food supply for the whole land," chimed in Arabelle.

"To deal with someone with Norman's typical haughty demeanor, we have to act like we're stupid and don't know anything," Quentin replied.

"Don't forget to always praise him, say nice things to him as if he's better than us," revealed Quentin.

Arabelle smiled. She picked up a dry cloth and began to wipe her wet face. Once dry and clean, Arabelle turned her body around and walked over to the bed.

She picked up the empty glass for her and reached for the bottle of wine that Quentin had been holding, "I don't know what happened to you, but you showed a significant change in your attitude."

Quentin sipped his wine slowly while his eyes were still fixed forward, "Don't you like it?"

Arabelle finished pouring her wine, then returned her gaze to Quentin, "I like it. You look more adult and intelligent than your age."

"Glad to hear that."

The two continued to talk about interesting things that became casual discussions between them. As the night wore on, the bottle of wine enjoyed by the two was half a bottle away.

Arabelle appeared asleep on her back on the bed, face flushed with both eyes closed tightly.

However, it was different with Quentin, who still rubbed his eyes. The intoxicating effect of the wine was pretty strong, and it seemed Quentin could not finish the bottle any further.

Realizing Arabelle was already fast asleep, Quentin took the initiative to pull the blanket and cover the woman's body. The man was still not sleepy, especially after drinking alcohol.

"Maybe I need some fresh air," Quentin replied.

The reason was based on something that happened to him. His head was starting to feel dizzy, and both eyes were throbbing, something that had never happened to Quentin before.

He placed the wine on the dressing table and walked out of the room. Quentin closed the door to the room to prevent anyone from entering. He ordered the guards to guard the two rooms rented by Helferich at the inn: Arabelle and Quentin's room and Marcella and Mary's.

They obeyed and took turns standing guard. Quentin stepped out of the inn's corridor, still wearing his matching gray-black T-shirt and trousers.

As he arrived outside the inn, the Sideriver village was quiet. Oil lamps shine on the main street and houses.

From Quentin's ears, the man could only hear the sound of crickets rustling, the slight wind blowing from the north, and the sound of tree branches rubbing against the inn's walls.

Not far from the place, there was a tavern that was open every night until morning. It was not far from the inn where Quentin was staying, and the tavern's location was strategic.

"Looks like you were waiting for us," stated someone, a typical young man's voice from Quentin's right.

Quentin reflexively turned his head to the side, seeing a black silhouette forming two people riding a horse that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, walking towards him.

The man crossed his arms, his eyes glaring with dignity at the two strangers.

When they were close to the inn, which was shining by the light of the oil lamps, Quentin saw they were two young men in fancy shirts riding in the same horse color, black with white patterns.

"Who are you?" asked Quentin, sternly.

They spontaneously dismounted, hooking their horses' reins to the wood before the inn. Surprisingly, both bowed their heads to salute Quentin.

"Sorry for our arrival, Lord Quentin. We should have kept going all the way to Calden Castle," replied one of the two men before Quentin.

"My name is Gilbert Anselm," said Gilbert Anselm, the younger brother of Jaelys Anselm.

"My name is Rolf Murdheim," chimed in Gilbert's partner, Rolf Murdheim, cousin of Ashel Murdheim.

"Oh, it's you two," said Quentin, a little surprised that the wish he had made to them was to come to Calden Castle.

The man in front of Gilbert and Rolf told the two young men to stand up. Both of them spontaneously did what Quentin told them to do.

"Get up," Quentin ordered.

Both stood up straight with their eyes focused forward, watching Quentin intently.

"Forgive me for failing to notice you, I invited you to my wedding, but you were too proud to accept my invitation," Quentin complained.

"We apologize, Lord Quentin. Our two house leaders agreed not to come to Lord Quentin's wedding with Lady Arabelle because, in their opinion, it would insult themselves," Gilbert replied, explaining why House Anselm did not come to fulfill Quentin's invitation.

"I can understand your disappointment, but it's because you have high expectations of Arabelle. Have you ever considered your right to marry a countess of higher status than you?" Quentin asked.

"We fully understand our position, Lord Quentin," replied Gilbert, as did Rolf.

Quentin sighed, looking back at them with seriousness, "Come. Let's talk about this in the bar."

Gilbert and Rolf said yes. They left their horses as Gilbert and Rolf's legs lifted forward, following Quentin from behind.

"Are Jaelys and Ashel knowing of your departure?" asked Quentin, speaking softly.

Gilbert and Rolf shook their heads, being as polite as possible because Quentin was the Lord of Helferich, the Ruler of the Lanercoast Lands.

If the two tried to speak impolitely to Quentin, it was feared that it would create a bad perception in Quentin's mind towards them, which would actually be fatal to the continuity of their house.

Arriving at the tavern, the place seemed not as crowded as the bars in Calden City. There were only three visitors that night, and all three were old people.

Quentin took out one gold piece and gave it to the barkeeper, "Give me one bottle of anything other than rum."

"Sure. I will," said the bartender.

The bartender put away the gold piece and started preparing the bottle of alcohol for Quentin. Quentin himself took a seat in the corner of the room, some distance away from the location of the three old men at the tavern.

"You did not explain your purpose in inviting us, My Lord," said Rolf.

"Indeed, because I wanted to tell you in person," Quentin explained.

Gilbert and Rolf sat together, close to each other, with their eyes still focused forward, looking at Quentin, who sat alone.

"Then what was your purpose in summoning us? Couldn't you have called Jaelys and Ashel to leave?" asked Gilbert.

"I have no business with those two brats. I have business with you both," revealed Quentin.

"What happened to House Anselm and House Murdheim? Do they intend to commit treason against Helferich?" asked Quentin, without preamble asking the reason why Anselm and Murdheim were cold and indifferent to Helferich.

"No, My Lord. They are still loyal to Helferich," Gilbert replied.

"They are, but not with me. I have already married Arabelle, who is your future sister-in-law, Lord Gilbert. House Anselm must have been unhappy with Edgar's decision to reject Jaelys' proposal," Quentin emphasized.

"It's the same with Murdheim. Realizing that Edgar rejected Anselm made your guts shrink, and in the end, you withdrew to propose to Marcella," Quentin continued.

"Because you have a common cause and problem, you both agreed not to attend the wedding. Even though all the houses I invited came and said their oath of allegiance," Quentin continued.

The discussion became so tense Quentin spoke straightforwardly as if he was scolding Gilbert and Rolf for the actions of their house leaders. Gilbert and Rolf could only remain silent.

"I hate traitors. I can gather troops from every house together with Helferich's troops to destroy Anselm and Murdheim in one single night!" threatened Quentin.

"P-Please, My Lord, don't do that. We're helpless against the united forces of Helferich and the other houses," Gilbert replied, pleading with his face pale with fear.

"I can postpone the annihilation of your two houses under one condition that you must abide by," Quentin explained.

"We will do anything to save our house!" asserted Rolf excitedly.

"You both must take Jaelys and Ashel's positions from the leaders of House Anselm and House Murdheim!" declared Quentin, pointing at Gilbert and Rolf in turn.

"W-Wait! What did you say, My Lord?" asked Gilbert, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"I want you to coup the rulers of House Anselm and House Murdheim."