Helferich's Hunch


Around Trident Trade


Helferich's encampment was set up, with red banners bearing the white eagle of Helferich's pride fluttering on each soldier's tent.

They arrived at a large area close to Oakenport, encamped there to prevent anything bad from happening at night that might occur.

Among the soldiers' tents, there was a large tent that served as the main tent of the encampment. Quentin was there, along with commander Leonil and three captains: James, captain of the cavalry. Baron, the infantry captain, and George, captain of the medics.

They stood in the centre of the room, lined up around a strategy table with a map of Athalaris above it. However, Quentin and the others focused on looking at the Northcrest land.

Several pawns were kept above the Northcrest lands; white pawns indicated Archibald's army and red pawns indicated Telmarath's army.