Honour of The Northerners




"Are they ready?" asked Norman Archibald, standing atop the city wall with his eyes fixed ahead, looking at the line of Telmarath troops with their five trebuchets.

Noah Theobald nodded, right next to Norman, wearing full suits of armour and longswords.

Norman nodded. He turned his body back, clearly seeing the united forces of all the houses in Northcrest preparing with their armour and swords.

The leading man of House Archibald walked towards the roof fence of the wall. Both of Norman's hands seemed to be gripping the railing tightly as his eyes were firmly fixed towards the soldiers.

"ATTENTION!" Norman shouted.

The thunderous voice of the Archibald house ruler startled all the soldiers present. Their hearts trembled with fear as they heard the distinctive voice of an authoritative man ring out at the start of the coming battle.