The Day

"We should take a detour route and attack Telmarath from the right and left," replied the infantry captain.

"That would not be effective. The command will be difficult if the situation goes like that," replied another captain.

The strategy discussion was held at House Theobald's mansion, with most of the captains and house leaders joining the Oldcairn defense force in attendance.

Norman and Noah were still standing side by side, looking straight ahead and down to see the movement of the white pawns being set in motion by the captains.

"If the troops are divided in half, then who will guard Oldcairn?" asked the cavalry captain.

The infantry captain was speechless, unable to answer the cavalry captain's question. Realizing his captains were a bunch of fools made Norman sigh.

"There's no point in dividing the army in two," Norman complained, stepping forward until he was close to the strategy map table.