Calden Castle's Gray Skies


Calden Castle.


It had been a week since Quentin had gone to help with the Northcrest-Telmarath war, but not a single letter had reached Arabelle from Northcrest explaining the situation in the northern lands.

Arabelle's heart grew restless, not being able to know Quentin's condition in the war. However, the woman realized she must not show any anxiety on her face.

Arabelle had to be firm and authoritative, maintaining her image as the temporary leader of Helferich and Lanercoast until Quentin returned.

"Should we go send an envoy to Northcrest to find out what's going on there?" asked Arabelle, sitting on her father's throne chair in Calden Castle's meeting room.

There, she was not alone but accompanied by several court officials present at her convenience, one of whom was Sir Dorren.