Specific Reason


The next day.



All of Archibald's and Theobald's troops, as well as the alliance soldiers from the houses in Northcrest, agreed to begin their mobilisation from Oldcairn to Wintercrest without Helferich joining them. 

Norman understood when Helferich did not want to join, considering Quentin's unconscious condition until yesterday.

The streets of Oldcairn were filled with rows of soldiers from the house; they lined up neatly while making sure none of Telmarath's soldiers escaped.

James led the procession of Helferich's soldiers out of Oldcairn City. He led the soldiers accompanied by the Baron and George on the right and left.

In contrast, Commander Leonil was still at the back, ensuring Quentin's safety as the Helferich medical soldiers lifted Quentin's body into the special horse-drawn carriage.