Tense Situation at Calden Castle


Calden Castle.


Sir Dorren walked hurriedly that morning; who knows what made him run around like that in the middle of the corridor. However, he came carrying a piece of paper still sealed.

His purpose was, of course, to go to Lady Arabelle's chamber, considering she was the one who was currently ruling the throne of Calden Castle. That was why every message coming to Calden Castle had to be delivered to her immediately.

Arriving at the fourth floor of the castle, Dorren's eyes were fixed forward, seeing Lady Marcella accidentally walking out of her chamber with her sleeping pyjamas still clinging to her body.

Dorren's large footsteps created a resounding rumble, causing Marcella's attention to be diverted backwards. Now, Sir Dorren had completely stopped running as his breathing sounded ragged.

"Why are you running, Sir Dorren?" asked Marcella, confused.