Helferich Eagle in Castlebourne

Quentin stood leaning against the wall of the prison room, watching Harold sit on a chair with both hands holding a paper and pen.

The man told him to send the last message that the spy had sent to Calden Castle. If the information relayed was correct, then it was certain he was indeed Helferich's spy in Castlebourne.

Quentin could tell what the spy's last message was because he was the one who read the message, not Sir Dorren or Lord Edgar. That's why Quentin would check whether Harold's writing was correct.

"If you were the spy, you would remember the last message delivered to Helferich," Quentin replied.

Quentin was still standing with his arms crossed, his eyes focused on Harold, who had yet to start writing on the paper provided.

"I know that, it wasn't long ago and I still remember it," Harold explained.

Quentin nodded while clearing his throat softly. He told Harold to write the message immediately without any help from Quentin.