Potential Three-Front War

"I understand what you are planning," Norman replied.

"Even then, I must ascertain how the Lorelei will respond to my request. If they refuse, then I must find another way to use Lady Sera in this war," said Quentin.

He was still sitting beside Arabelle who was beginning to fall asleep from exhaustion. The woman's head was resting on Quentin's thigh, where Quentin was still gently rubbing Arabelle's head hair, making her comfortable sleeping on his lap.

"Tomorrow, they should be on standby in the south with thousands of troops who appear to be preparing to attack Calden Castle," Sir Dorren explained, looking at Norman and Quentin.

"That's right and I've ordered Leonil and the other captains in Calden City to be ready. Too bad James isn't here," Quentin replied.