Steps to Prevent War

Quentin returned to Calden Castle, leaving the situation on the southern border to Leonil and the other captains. They were ready to take the order. They would ensure the Lanercoast lands were not infiltrated by soldiers from the south.

Hearing that relieved Quentin's heart, especially when he needed to return to Calden Castle to re-strategize.

Quentin's cavalcade left the southern border together. Norman, Violet, Geoffrey, and Sir Dorren followed behind Quentin.

Lady Sera had arrived at Calden Castle earlier, greeted by Marcella when she heard the galloping of horses approaching the castle. Marcella stepped out from the balcony, watching Lady Sera exit the carriage carrying her.

"How was it?" asked Marcella, curious about the outcome of the negotiations that took place at Alree Bridge.

Lady Sera looked up and saw Marcella. Her right hand waved in welcome to Marcella's presence, who appeared when she arrived.