White Coast Businessmen's Worry


The next day.

Calden Castle.


"Take this with you. Meet the clothing merchantman named Jason in Avolire. Tell him I'm in Lanercoast right now," Dieter replied.

The man handed over a silver badge bearing the Telmarath merchant's insignia with a trade letter he had written himself addressed to Jason. The merchant said yes, he was still a member of The Sun after all.

Quentin stood on the balcony of his chamber, looking out over the front yard where Dieter and Sir Dorren were giving the merchant a message. Sir Dorren handed him five small glass vials filled with Gangrene bacteria; the merchant knew what he had to do.

"Drop the contents in five different wells in Avolire. Leave immediately after cleaning yourself," said Dorren. The man nodded obediently and understood Sir Dorren's orders.