City Stability

The situation inside the city was getting better; the Helferich soldiers who had secured the four gates of the city castle gathered in the south of the city to help each other extinguish the fire. It took them a while to put it out, about five hours from sunset.

Quentin was standing in front of Mathilde's castle, with all of House Mathilde's family members tied to poles in the shape of a cross, from Noah to the smallest child. Everyone was tied up, without exception, for a public display of Mathilde's defeat.

Several men from the city kept their eyes forward, watching intently as the faces of House Mathilde's nobles were humiliated before their own people. Noah looked down helplessly, as did the rest of House Mathilde's family members. None of them raised their heads, looking at the city people.

"None of them are happy," Quentin explained, looking at the city folk who didn't like seeing their former leader tormented like that, humiliated by the invaders.