Howard's Strategy for Athalaris




"At the moment, His Majesty cannot be disturbed. I hope you can understand." Howard Hildemar spoke to several businessmen —food merchants— about their unease about the turbulent conflict across the Athalaris mainland.

Conflict can cause chaos. That's what they thought when the land of the White Coast was embroiled in a war, and they didn't know why. That was why they had gathered to urge King Edmund to stop the war.

But what Howard said was true; King Edmund could not be disturbed. He was having a one-on-one conversation with Lady Melissa Hildemar; they were talking to determine the matches between them.

"We cannot wait any longer; many merchants are bankrupt, and the people are starving. I need a straight answer on this!" said one of the merchants who came to the castle, speaking sternly while raising his voice to Howard.