Lorelei Stance


Avolire Castle.


"This can't be happening," Arnold Lorelei insisted.

A group of scouting troops guarding the west side of Avolire came this morning. They arrived with five people to deliver the message they wanted to convey. From their surveillance, the red banner with the white eagle flew at each of Mathilde's city gates.

Currently, Caspian was gathering all the palace officials, along with Lorelei's family members. Sera also participated in the meeting; she was in good health. No signs of violence appeared on Sera's body, she returned safely from Calden Castle.

"We never thought Helferich intended to attack Mathilde," Caspian explained, sitting on his throne.

Sir Mathias stood tall on Caspian's right, lined up neatly with the other court officials. On the left side, House Caspian's family stood in a row, with Arnold standing on the far right and Sera standing last.