Chapter 62: The End of the Beginning _1

Gu Xiaobei suggested they go out for a walk. The summer days were long, and it was still light after dinner. Without a TV or internet, time was hard to pass. The two of them left the residential area and strolled towards the Moat.

It had just rained during the day, and the air was filled with a mix of muddy and grassy smells. Gu Xiaobei found it incredibly pleasant. The air was fresh, without any haze. It was the kind of air people in the 21st century longed for.

She couldn't resist taking a deep sniff, and said to Lu Zhanguo: "Take a deep breathe, who knows if we'll have air this good thirty years from now."

Lu Zhanguo didn't understand how the air could be any different in thirty years.

Suddenly Gu Xiaobei exclaimed, nudging Lu Zhanguo and saying, "Look, isn't that Liu Mei?"

Liu Mei stood quietly at the edge of the small square, looking at the children playing in the center. Gu Xiaobei followed her gaze and saw Liao Qing with Little Liao Zhe in the square.