Chapter 141: Series (Haha66 and Mr. Bi Reward Adds More)_1

After bidding Shen Heng goodbye, Lu Zhanguo drove off towards the provincial city like the wind.

Lu Zhanguo was going to the provincial city this time to find Liu Hongbing, with whom he had served in a reconnaissance company years ago; Lu had been the company commander and Liu had been his deputy.

Liu Hongbing had significant talents for cryptography and was later transferred to the Intelligence Department of the Provincial Military Region, directly under the control of the Third Department of the General Staff.

Lu Zhanguo was seeking his friend for two reasons; firstly, to confuse the mysterious White Fox who had been secretly monitoring him, and secondly, to ask Liu to investigate Guo Huaqiang. He hoped that Guo, a fellow veteran, was not what he suspected and that it was merely personal reasons behind his actions.