Chapter 246: Wishing Happy New Year (Recommendation votes 2000 plus updates)_1

After Lu Zhanguo finished speaking, he dismissed the team to enter the dining hall, leaving a couple outside to set off the firecrackers.

Watching the soldiers lining up and filing in, Gu Xiaobei got up and stepped aside, unsure how the seating would be arranged. Where were she and Lu Zhanguo supposed to sit?

Once everyone was seated, Lu Zhanguo and Guo Huaqiang entered. Lu Zhanguo waved at Gu Xiaobei, inviting her over to sit with him and the new soldiers.

The rookies, seeing their leader's wife sharing a table with them, became somewhat restrained.

Most of the rookies were seventeen or eighteen-year-old young men who blushed at the sight of Gu Xiaobei.

Picking up his chopsticks, Lu Zhanguo casually suggested, "Alright, it's the New Year today. Let's all eat heartily. If we don't finish everything, it means the cooks didn't make it delicious enough, and we should make them run five kilometers as punishment. How does that sound?"