Chapter 337: A Glance (860 more monthly tickets added)_1

Bai Xiaolan curiously watched the people lying on the ground. Despite shivering from the cold, they were still persistently trying to absorb the spiritual energy, some even hugging an ancient tree to do so.

The azure sky, the biting cold air that made one feel refreshed, and the occasional pigeons flying by in the sky, made Bai Xiaolan feel a sense of freedom.

She strolled around happily, watching the old people spinning tops and flying kites.

Seeing a large crowd heading towards a corner of the park, Bai Xiaolan followed and discovered a temple fair.

In front of the fair stalls, the vendors had already started preparing. Some set up their tents and stages, while others had already arranged their products for sale. There were Capital City's Rabbit Lord toys, Huguo Temple's snacks, tripe, lamb skewers....

Stalls for storytelling and comedy performances were rehearsing in advance, attracting people and surrounding each stall.