Chapter 421: Conspiracy_1

Lu Aiguo shrugged his shoulders and said, "I came looking for big brother for retirement, and to have big brother marry Song Wuxiu", he even teasingly glanced at Bai Xiaolan after saying this.

Bai Xiaolan wasn't angry and casually replied, "Lu, the third one, if you don't want to miss a tooth this New Year, speak properly."

Lu Aiguo clicked his tongue and said, "Sis-in-law, I'm only speaking the truth, don't worry, I'm always on your side, no matter what."

Bai Xiaolan picked up the piece of green onion again, which she had discarded just now, and kept peeling it while saying: "I don't care what they want to do. The times are different now. No matter how justified they are, they can't surpass the law."

Lu Aiguo, not having a filter, said, "Wow, sis-in-law, as expected, your consciousness is quite advanced".

Bai Xaolan smiled and threw an onion leaf at Lu Aiguo: "One more word from you, and I'll make you eat colors over New Year".