Extra Two: Controllable Range Target Lock Twelve_1

Jiujiu agreed with what Gu Xiaobei had said, she had to conquer this hurdle on her own. Instead of burying her head in the sand, she decided to discuss it with Li Duo.

This was the first time Jiujiu had actively sought out Li Duo and the first time she had entered Li Duo's dorm room.

Seeing Li Duo's girlfriend come to visit, all his roommates tactfully made themselves scarce.

"What brings you here?" Li Duo stood by the window as he observed Jiujiu, who was sitting on his bed, twisting her fingers so tightly that they were on the verge of snapping. He had been waiting for her to take this first step.

Only after her fingers had turned white from the tight knot did Jiujiu muster the courage to speak: "Li Duo, I...I...have been keeping something from you."

Li Duo looked at Jiujiu warmly, his tone encouraging: "Tell me, what have you been hiding from me?" He didn't move closer to her, fearing it might impose too much pressure.