Extra Three: Galsang Flower on the Plateau (Part Two)_1

It was Lu Weiyi's first time in the highlands. By nightfall, as the chill began to creep in, she suddenly felt her breathing become more and more difficult, her head aching and throbbing with dizziness.

Altitude sickness is always worse in the mornings or at night. Lu Weiyi felt feeble and slumped down in a corner of the tent. It felt as if there was a drummer in her head, beating away incessantly. She began to curse herself - what was she doing, running off here for no reason? If she died she'd only have herself to blame! But oh, if she really died, wouldn't her mom and dad be devastated? How could she be so foolish? Why didn't she just listen to Fang Jing, and go see her grandparents in Capital City, or visit her aunts? Now look at her, not even two days in and she seemed to be on the brink of death.

The worse Lu Weiyi felt, the more she was tormented by these thoughts. As she continued to dwell on them, tears began to well up in her eyes.