Chapter 12 Don't look at me like this_2

He caressed Jiang Tan's hair, his voice gentle, "You can go to sleep now."

"Zhou Yinghuai..."

"I'm sorry..."

Sorry, I should not have overstepped reason, should not have continued to love you despite knowing you will never love me.

Zhou Yinghuai thought that what Jiang Tan was referring to was her little temper tantrum today.

So he said, "It's my fault, it's your birthday, I should have been with you."

The two of them were not talking about the same thing at all.

Jiang Tan didn't want to correct him, but just hugged Zhou Yinghuai without saying a word.

After a long time, she said, "I'll try not to be like this anymore."

I will try to gradually start not liking you.

Jiang Tan finished speaking, looked up at Zhou Yinghai and smiled.

For some reason, under the light, Zhou Yinghuai, looking at Jiang Tan's polished face, at her attractive smile, felt a little panicked.