Chapter 34 Zhou Yinghuai Has Such a Strong Taste_1

Li Yannan did not mind Jiang Tan's silence, the smile on his face didn't falter in the slightest.

"Is there something on my face?" Li Yannan joked, relaxed.

On the side, the woman in charge of taking care of Jiang Tan came over. Jiang Tan had only learned her name last night, it was Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing said: "Miss Jiang, this is Mr. Meng's partner, Mr. Li Yannan."

Jiang Tan nodded, not uttering a word as she walked downstairs, heading straight outside.

The weather was baking hot, the warm sun bathing on Jiang Tan's face.

The orphanage children were all innocently curious about the visitors, stealing glances their way amidst their play and laughter.

After a few eye contact exchanges, a few children hopped over to Jiang Tan.

Looking at the figures of these children, Jiang Tan felt as if she had returned to the orphanage in Jiangnan.

Jiangnan, Jiang Tan.

Even her surname matched well with this place.