Chapter 49 The Little Rose has grown up, is more prickly, and harder to cajole_1

"Our boss, Jiang Tan, such an outstanding young woman, surprisingly doesn't have a boyfriend!" Xiaoliang was utterly shocked as he looked at Jiang Tan.

Jiang Tan didn't understand what was so shocking about this, pondering for a moment before explaining, "I'm just too busy with work to have time for dating."

The second round began, and once again Jiang Tan lost.

Looking at the few little dice in front of her, Jiang Tan shook her head, "Is this game targeting me or what?"

This time it was the finance department's secretary's turn to ask a question, her eyes gleaming, "Ms. Jiang! What's your choice?"

Jiang Tan said, "Truth again."

The secretary's eyes gleamed even brighter as she asked Jiang Tan, "When was the last time you were in a relationship?"

Jiang Tan said, "I haven't really been in a relationship."

Hearing this, the secretary was greatly taken aback, and looked at Jiang Tan with a touch more sympathy.

By the third round, Jiang Tan had unsurprisingly lost again.