Chapter 82 My Tantan Has No Parents_1

"There is no aristocratic family that's easy to deal with." Zhou Yinghuai's tone was calm. "But my people are not so easily bullied by Chu Anning."

"What did you say? Say that again!" Chu Boyuan doubted his own hearing, "Are you picking a fight with the Chu family over a woman?"

"Zhou Yinghuai! Watch how you talk! This is Uncle Chu, your elder!" Zhou Moxing's face was extremely pained.

"I don't want to provoke anyone, but I'm the protective type. I would not let anyone who wrongs my own people off easily."

Zhou Yinghuai lifted his eyelid, looking indifferently towards Zhou Moxing. "Chu Anning initially intended to harm me. If it was me lying in the hospital right now, would you still consider this as nothing serious? I presume Uncle Chu has already asked for forgiveness from the Zho family, right?"

Chu Boyuan, being called out, stiffened.

Zhou Yinghuai continued: