Chapter 100: He Is a Vengeful Man_1

"Have you been drinking?" Zhou Yinghuai fell silent for a moment, his voice turning cold.

Jiang Tan didn't respond.

After a long, still silence, Zhou Yinghuai spoke again, his voice even calmer, "Jiang Tan, did you see the message I sent you?"

Jiang Tan said she had seen it.

She had been drinking, so she wasn't as restrained as she usually was, "Zhou Yinghuai, we're just dating, not at one's beck and call. Just because I saw it doesn't mean I had to reply, right?"

Zhou Yinghuai had to admit, he felt slighted at that moment.

For a man who's held a high position for so long, it was hard to accept being treated so coldly. Or rather, no one had ever treated him this way before.

"Which hotel are you in now?"

Zhou Yinghuai suppressed all his emotions, bearing his patience, trying to appease, "Tantan, send me the location of the hotel, I'll come for you."