Chapter 138: From Now On, Be Content with Being Your Young Master Zheng_1

But now the Zheng family has crossed a line by messing with this good friend of Jiang Tan's. Zhou Yinghuai is here to hold them accountable.

Zheng's father's expression was unnatural. He forced a smile and said, "I was not aware of this relationship between Song Zhaozhao and Jiang Tan."

"Of course, I wouldn't want to harm the harmony between our two families over a friend of Jiang Tan's."

Zhou Yinghuai's tone was calm, but his words were like a soft hidden stab, disarming his opponents, "This time I am just giving an oral reminder. But if there is a next time, if the Zheng family does anything to Song Zhaozhao and my girlfriend gets upset, I can't identify with the Zheng family being happy."

Zheng's father was taken aback; he hadn't imagined Zhou Yinghuai would take things this far for a woman.

"Mr. Zhou is right, I understand your meaning, you can rest assured, I will not do anything to Song Zhaozhao in the future." Zheng's father hastily promised.