Chapter 147 You're Standing on the Capitalist's Head and Flaunting your Power_1

Jiang Tan tilted her head slightly, allowing Zhou Yinghuai to tie her hair.

Her voice still carried the softness of sleep, sweetly asking, "When did you buy a house? How come I didn't know?"

"A while ago," Zhou Yinghuai answered. "I bought it while you were away."

Jiang Tan was surprised, her meticulously done hair making her turn to look at Zhou Yinghuai. "What made you think of buying a house back then?"

Her conflict with Li Yannan spontaneously bubbled up in her thoughts.

A shadow crossed Zhou Yinghuai's face. He gathered himself and casually said, "No reason, just bought it for fun."

Jiang Tan clicked her tongue disapprovingly. "Such a capitalist face."

She was getting bolder with her words, but Zhou Yinghuai was unfazed, a smile dancing in his eyes. "If I am a capitalist, then what are you?"

Jiang Tan didn't expect Zhou Yinghuai to counterattack. Her eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean 'what are you'? What's wrong with me?"