Chapter 163 The Jiang Tan I Know Is A Clear-Headed Fool_1

Zhou Moxing realized by now that Zhou Yinghuai was threatening him.

Zhou Moxing hadn't expected that not only Li Yannan, but now even his own flesh and blood would be so defiant towards him.

However, today, it was Zhou Moxing who needed favors from others.

Zhou Moxing suppressed the rage in his heart and said in a deep voice, "I won't take issue with what you said today. You should hurry back to Ning City in the next two days, and we can sit down and talk properly about it!"

Zhou Yinghuai didn't reply and simply hung up the phone, showing no mercy at all.

Zhou Moxing listened to the busy tone on the phone and was so angry that he almost threw his cell phone away.

Seeing Zhou Moxing's complexion looking poor, the butler quickly approached and said, "Master, don't get angry just yet. The young master is set on marrying Jiang Tan, and you know it very well. Why threaten him with Jiang Tan? You would be better off thinking about how to talk to him when he comes back."