Chapter 166 What Should Lady Zhou Be Like_1

Li Yannan's voice was harsh, "Or do you insist on letting Jiang Tan hear all this, making her sad, before you will let go? How can you be so selfish?"

Zhou Yinghuai narrowed his eyes, his gaze dangerous, "Li Yannan, are you also using Jiang Tan to threaten me?"

"Is this a threat? If you think it is, then yes, it's a threat!"

Li Yannan sneered, the initial warmth completely gone, his voice taking on an officious coldness, "If you collude with Zhou Moxing, I will tell Jiang Tan what kind of person her seemingly perfect partner really is!"

Hatred is such a powerful and blinding force; it can surpass love and become the most lethal weapon.

Li Yannan did love Jiang Tan, but in the face of hatred, that love was insignificant.