Chapter 185 Zhou Yinghuai, You're So Easy to Coax to Death_1

At this moment, Zhou Yinghuai looked at the newspaper before him, his slender fingers pinching the edges of the paper, knuckles turning white.

His expression was indeed too displeased, Zhao Qi got quite scared and after a long while, timidly asked, "Mr. Zhou, are you alright..."

Zhou Yinghuai's heart was like oil in a blazing fire, intensely burned and tormented, an indescribable heaviness.

He suddenly set the newspaper down, his voice terrifyingly calm, "Leave now, I'm aware."

Zhao Qi hesitated, then silently withdrew.

And Zhou Yinghuai gazed out the window at the foggy sky, today was an overcast day.

His face was cold and stern, his brows and eyes filled with an uncompromising chill.

That very night, Jiang Tan saw Zhou Yinghuai.

At that time, Jiang Tan had just finished dinner, Li Yannan had left for a business trip and wouldn't be back for a few days.

Jiang Tan sat on the couch digesting, and upon seeing Zhou Yinghuai come in, surprise appeared on her face, "Yinghuai..."