Chapter 201 You Really Are a Good Boss!_1


But at that moment, Meng Yanxi felt as if he was being informed for eternity that the happiness once within his reach truly didn't belong to him.

When do people learn to regret?

Upon losing something.

That's why the old saying goes, 'You can't teach someone with words alone, but experience will teach immediately.'

Meng Yanxi's eyes stung with pain, and without uttering a word, he turned around. In the moment he turned his back to Xia Ning, tears fell.

Jiang Tan received an invitation from Zhou Yinghuai, a gilt envelope that unfolded to reveal a handwritten invite from Zhou Yinghuai himself.

The man held her in his arms, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, where the sunlight sprinkled down, a rare warmth after consecutive days of autumn rain.

Zhou Yinghuai said, "For the Weixi Group's anniversary celebration, I would like Miss Jiang to be my female companion."