Chapter 206: It's Still Father Who Wants Me to Spread the Word_1

"He's resilient, but not so much that he can do whatever he wants. That Jiang Tan, her background is far too humble."

"Are you implying that if I came from such a lowly background, you wouldn't have married me either?" Ning Hanying looked angrily at Zhou Moxing. "I can't believe you would think like that!"

"How could you be the same! You are the love of my life! No matter what, I will never give up on you!"

Zhou Moxing said firmly before letting out a sigh, then gazing at Ning Hanying with eyes full of affection, his tone doting, "If it were you, even if I had to commit a most grievous transgression, I would find a way, and marry you nonetheless."

"You know to marry me, so why can't you allow your son to marry Jiang Tan? All this talk of backgrounds, I don't like hearing it." Ning Hanying's eyebrows furrowed, and she harshly said, "In any case, I am Yinghuai's mother, and today he brought his fiancée home. I am very happy, and you are not to cause any trouble, do you hear me?"