Chapter 211: Not Expensive, A Small Amount of Money_1

The sound of horns from behind was incessant, but he seemed deaf to it, his gaze fixed on Jiang Tan, the panic in his eyes almost impossible to conceal, "You went to see Li Yannan? What did he say to you?"

His expression was so tense that Jiang Tan momentarily felt bewildered, "I... I went to him for work matters, he didn't say anything to me. Yinghuai... what's wrong with you? Why are you reacting so strongly?"

Zhou Yinghuai didn't know how to explain his behavior; he was indeed afraid, but this fear, he couldn't explain to Jiang Tan.

The night was deep, and the atmosphere inside the car was as quiet as it could be.

Jiang Tan saw Zhou Yinghuai's brows and eyes darken with a seriousness that couldn't be put into words under the lonely light, she reached out and held the back of his hand, "Whatever you want to say, you can tell me directly, Yinghuai, there's nothing we can't talk about between us."