Chapter 213 My Only Extravagance in Life_1

Zheng Heng felt a sting in his chest as he looked towards Meng Yanxi, who had already turned and walked away.

Night fell, and tranquility returned.

The gloomy basement, viewed from the outside, appeared to have been in ruins for years.

Yet, from a different angle, it revealed a hidden paradise.

The interior of the basement was exquisitely decorated, furnished cozily, with a constant temperature system keeping it comfortably warm. A pile of expensive dresses were torn and strewn about the floor.

The woman with disheveled hair sat in the corner of the bed, hugging her knees, her expression uneasy.

She curled up, as if trying to find a sense of security in this posture.

There were footsteps growing closer, and the next moment, the tightly shut door opened, letting in a sliver of light.

Due to her messy hair, the woman's facial expression was not clear, but her actions betrayed a sense of urgency.