Chapter 251 I am Guilty, I Plead Guilty_1

Chu Anning, without any hesitation, plunged the dagger she had been concealing in her hand into Chu Boyuan's abdomen.

"I hate you! Dad! I hate you!" Chu Anning laughed madly, tears in her eyes, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have ended up like this!"

Chu Boyuan looked at the wound on his abdomen in disbelief. His eyes were filled with shock, and it took him a long time before he finally raised his head slowly to look at Chu Anning, "Anning... I'm your father...."

"So what!" Chu Anning's voice was shrill, filled with madness, "If it weren't for you! If you hadn't refused to help me! I wouldn't have ended up in prison! Anyway, I'm done for! None of you will get off easy!"

Chu Boyuan finally lifted his head, struggling to look at Chu Anning.

This daughter, the one he had carefully nurtured and raised from a young age, for whom he had nearly given his all, no matter what Chu Anning wanted, he would fulfill her desires.

But now, this was the outcome he met.