Chapter 264: Grand Finale (Part 8)_1

Li Yannan wanted to ask Jiang Tan if she was happy.

But as the words reached his lips, he felt they were superfluous.

How could she not be happy? She sat before him, the corners of her eyes and brows relaxed and content in a way that only extreme affection could bring about.

Li Yannan asked himself, did he have the ability to make Jiang Tan reveal such an expression?

The answer was no.

It wasn't because he couldn't do it, but simply because, Jiang Tan didn't love him.

So he looked at Jiang Tan and asked nothing.

All he said was, "I'm about to leave Ning City soon, so before I go, I wanted to see you one last time?"

"You came back?" Jiang Tan's tone was relaxed as she asked indifferently, "Won't Li's have problems without you there?"

"The reason I reestablished the Li Group in Ning City was just to contend with Zhou Moxing. But my ambition has never been here."

This surprised Jiang Tan, and she looked at Li Yannan curiously: "Then where does your ambition lie?"