Chapter 2 He Proposes Divorce_1

At the hospital entrance, Luo Qianxun looked up at the sky.

The sky was so blue, the sunshine was bright, a perfect day to be in a good mood, but her heart felt heavily suppressed with gloom.

She raised her hand to touch her belly, doubting these two children could stay inside her for more than a few days.

After standing quietly for a while, she hailed a taxi. Once inside, she remained silent.

The driver looked back at Luo Qianxun, somewhat perplexed, "Hello, where would you like to go?"

"Where to go?..."

Luo Qianxun didn't want to go home yet and was unsure where to go. After a moment of silence, she said, "Please drive around the city for a while, I want to see the scenery."

"Sure, as you wish."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and left.

Luo Qianxun knew the driver must have thought she was silly. She just didn't want to go back to a home with none but her.

Loneliness, coldness, these were her feelings every day.

Two hours later, the driver pulled over and turned to look at Luo Qianxun, "Ma'am, we've gone two rounds around the city. Have you decided where to go?"

"Ah, to Linyi Villa."

Exhausted, Luo Qianxun indolently leaned back in the seat, looking at the retreating scenery outside the window.

Regardless of her unwillingness, she had to return to that place that belonged to her alone, anyway.

Back at the villa, seeing the empty room, Luo Qianxun's nose twitched, she curled herself up in bed, pulling the quilt tightly around her.

If she suffocated and died just like this, would anyone notice even when her body turned into bones?

It's common to feel tired when you're pregnant. As fatigue set in, she drifted off to sleep.


A loud noise startled Luo Qianxun, and she abruptly sat up in bed, clutching her pounding heart.

She knew Li Mingxun was back, she had to face what was inevitable. She couldn't escape, and he wouldn't let her.

Sighing, she draped a jacket around, got out of bed, put on her slippers, and left the room to find Li Mingxun sitting on the couch with a grim expression.

His features were sharp, his nose prominent, his eyebrows dark, his figure slender. He was the perfect image of her dream husband, and he had indeed become her husband.

Yet, in the year they were married, Li Mingxun had never once looked at her properly, treating her with extreme indifference, bordering on cruelty.

"Mingxun, you're back."

Pretending not to notice his stern expression and intentionally disregarding the chill emanating from him, Luo Qianxun still wore a bright smile as she approached him, asking softly, "Have you eaten yet? Shall I cook some noodles for you?"

"Sign this."

Li Mingxun thrust a piece of the divorce agreement towards Luo Qianxun. She caught it awkwardly and the large characters on it made her eyes well up instantly.

She held back the urge to cry, bit her lip, and asked with bitterness, "Why?"

Though Luo Qianxun had been emotionally prepared, it still felt like the day had come too suddenly.

All this time, Li Mingxun seemed to think she, as his wife, didn't exist, never showing concern or care. His visits to their marital home were few and far between.

The first time he came home drunk and touched her, he disappeared first thing the next morning, not caring about her feelings at all.

Now, on his second visit, he proposes a divorce. Was he making room for Jiang Xinjie?

Was the mistress impatient to claim her position with the child in her belly? She must be very pleased, mustn't she?