Chapter 9 Act More Convincingly_1

"Go ahead."

Luo Qianxun closed her eyes and choked back, "I'm already living a life worse than death, you might as well finish me off. If I die, it would be perfectly understandable for you to remarry. Grandfather won't object."

"You really think I won't dare?"

Li Mingxun's face darkened as he tightened his grip, Luo Qianxun found it hard to breathe.

She didn't struggle, instead, she tilted her head back, closed her eyes and quietly put her hand on her belly, in her heart she murmured: My babies, mom is sorry, I couldn't let you experience the world.

"Young Master Xun!"

The butler knocked on the bathroom door, "How's the young lady? Do we need to call the family doctor over?"

Li Mingxun came back to his senses, and pushed Luo Qianxun away. She fell weakly to the floor.

Luo Qianxun's throat ached as if on fire from his strangulation. She suppressed her cough, and gazed at him expressionlessly, "If the family doctor comes, they'll know I've lied about the pregnancy. Are you sure you want to blow my cover now?"

But inside, she was incredibly anxious. If the family doctor examined her, her pregnancy wouldn't stay a secret for long.

"Young Master Xun, should I call the family doctor?"

The butler asked again seeing Li Mingxun did not answer.

"No need, she's fine."

Li Mingxun bent down, reached out his hand to drag Luo Qianxun up from the floor, wrapped an arm around her and walked her out of the restroom, whispering a warning in her ear, "Since you want to play act, make it believable."


Luo Qianxun nodded. But did she still need to pretend? There were actual twins in her belly.

"Here, careful."

Li Mingxun guided Luo Qianxun into the dining room, considerately pulling out a chair for her to sit on.

She sighed in her heart, only in the old house would Li Mingxun keep up appearances in front of Li Yuan.

"Qianxun, how do you feel?"

Li Yuan looked at Luo Qianxun with concern, "Let Xunxun accompany you for a hospital check-up."

"Grandpa, I'll take her to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow."

Li Mingxun agreed, picking up his chopsticks to dish out some food into Luo Qianxun's bowl, "Qianxun, you should eat more, if you're really pregnant, the child needs more nutrients."


Luo Qianxun nodded, and as she bowed her head to eat, the tears in her eyes quietly fell into her bowl.

Even if Li Mingxun's gentleness was fake, she appreciated it.

She knew that Li Mingxun believed her lie, he naturally wouldn't really take her to the hospital.

Since she was acting, there was no need to endure discomfort anymore. She felt nauseous at the taste of some dishes and covered her mouth to retch.

After all, in Li Mingxun's view, she was pretending to be pregnant.

"It seems Qianxun is really pregnant, the Li family will soon have a grandchild."

Li Yuan looked at Li Mingxun, "Xunxun, you should tell your parents the good news, so that they can end their world tour and come back to take care of Qianxun."

"Grandpa, I've just become pregnant, I'm not that delicate and can take care of myself."

Luo Qianxun quickly rejected the idea, if the Li family's parents came back to take care of her, how could she continue concealing her pregnancy?

Before thinking of a better solution, she didn't want to make it common knowledge.

"Yes, Grandpa, my parents are enjoying their holiday, there's no need to rush them back."

Li Mingxun also declined naturally. If his parents came back, it would be harder to keep Jiang Xinjie's matter a secret.

His thoughts were the same as Luo Qianxun's.