Chapter 7 Are you Pregnant?_1

"Grandfather, Li Family is so busy, do not blame Mingxun. I can take care of myself."

Luo Qianxun defended Li Mingxun. He gave her a look but said nothing.

In the year since they married, she had been looking after herself.

The schedule of three meals was not fixed, if she felt like eating, she did, if not, she went hungry.

But now that she was pregnant, she had to regulate her life.


Li Yuan turned to Luo Qianxun with a friendly smile on his face. "You and Xunxun have been married for a year. You should have had enough of life as a couple. Isn't it time to consider having a child?"


Luo Qianxun awkwardly looked at Li Mingxun, unsure of how to respond.

"Grandfather, you will have a grandson soon."

Li Mingxun replied. Luo Qianxun pursed her lips and lowered her gaze to the cup on the table.

Li Yuan, unaware of the undercurrents in the couple's relationship, nodded in satisfaction. "That's good, Xunxun, you should try harder. Some of your peers already have children."

Luo Qianxun knew that the grandson Li Mingxun was speaking of referred to the child in Jiang Xinjie's womb. She could not help but rub her stomach and sigh inwardly.

Nobody in front of Li Yuan and the whole Li Family knew about the actual situation of Luo Qianxun and Li Mingxun's marriage.

The joyous news of twins, she had probably been the only one to silently accept and process it alone.

The butler served the dessert, "Master, the dessert will be served after the meal."


Li Yuan encouraged Luo Qianxun to eat, "Qianxun, you should eat more, keep yourself healthy, and give the Li Family a healthy, chubby grandson."

"Yes, grandfather."

Luo Qianxun felt tears welling up. She didn't want Li Yuan to see her teary eyes so she quickly picked up a piece of sweet and sour fish and began to eat.

The moment the fish entered her mouth, a wave of nausea rushed up. She immediately covered her mouth and sprinted to the bathroom, vomiting violently into the toilet.


The butler, noticing this, whispered into Li Yuan's ear, "Master, Madam's condition is reminiscent of early pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience morning sickness."


Li Yuan was thrilled. He quickly called on Li Mingxun. "Xunxun, check on Qianxun. The butler said her symptoms are like that of morning sickness."

Li Mingxun furrowed his brows. Could Luo Qianxun be pregnant after having only been intimate once?

Li Yuan pressured him again, "What are you waiting for? Go check."

Only then did Li Mingxun slowly stand and make his way to the bathroom.

Luo Qianxun finished vomiting, there was nothing left in her stomach to purge, so she rinsed her mouth.

She looked at herself in the mirror, eyes bloodshot and complexion looking terrible.

Was morning sickness this unpleasant? She felt like throwing up everything, including her bile.

Sighing, she hit the switch, splashed cold water on her face, and left the room when she felt somewhat better.

"Get in!"

Li Mingxun pushed Luo Qianxun back into the bathroom, closed the door, and scrutinized her from top to bottom with a suspicious gaze.

"What are you doing?"

Luo Qianxun was instantly irritated.

"Luo Qianxun, are you pregnant?"

Li Mingxun's words made Luo Qianxun's heart race. She turned away, unable to meet his gaze.

Damn, she rushed off to vomit like that, it must have aroused the suspicions of the Li Family.

What to do?

Li Mingxun impatiently yelled, "Answer me!"