Chapter 18: Deep Meditation_1


Jiang Xinjie was still in the operating room being rescued. She had lost so much blood that she had slipped into a coma.

Li Mingxun leaned against the wall, his expression bleak.

His shirt was stained red with fresh blood, presenting a horrific sight.

Yet even in such a disheveled state, his nobility was not hidden.

Luo Qianxun sat on a bench with a pale face, nervously wringing her hands.

She knew that no matter how she explained, Li Mingxun would not believe her words, but she still wanted to clarify things.

"Li Mingxun, whether you believe me or not, I really didn't push her."

Luo Qianxun looked up at Li Mingxun, her face still bearing the clear mark of a slap, making her look extremely disheveled.

"She fell on her own. She just wanted you to mistake it as me pushing her down. I don't know why she would do such a thing..."

"Luo Qianxun, don't assume that Xinjie is as scheming as you."

Li Mingxun's gaze was sharp as he stepped closer to Luo Qianxun.