Chapter 22 Too Cold-Blooded_1

The pain on the face is far less than the pain in the heart.

Luo Qianxun stood by, watching Li Mingxun showering Jiang Xinjie with tender care, biting her lip to hold back her tears.

As she moved to leave, Li Mingxun stopped her, "Who told you to go?"

"There's nothing for me to do here."

Luo Qianxun responded indifferently, not wanting to stand there watching Li Mingxun and Jiang Xinjie flaunting their love anymore.

"Even if there's nothing, stay by my side."

Li Zhenxun's voice was cold, showing no signs of discomfort in putting Luo Qianxun in this situation.


Luo Qianxun stopped, standing in place and looking down at her shoes.

Eyes on nose, nose on heart.

She completely ignored the couple before her, as if they didn't exist.

"I don't want to drink anymore."

Jiang Xinjie pushed the bowl away, glanced at Luo Qianxun, and said, "Brother Mingxun, your work at the company is so busy, you should go take care of it. I can take care of myself."

"It's okay."