Chapter 20 Started Morning Sickness_1

The mixture of various smells in the market nearly caused Luo Qianxun to vomit.

She held back her discomfort, bought a chicken, had the butcher kill and chop it, and then took a taxi back to the villa.

Li Mingxun had only given her an hour. She didn't want to give him a chance to belittle her.

After cleaning the chicken, she put it in the pot to stew. In less than ten minutes, the aroma of chicken soup wafted from the pot.

The rumbling sounds from her stomach reminded Luo Qianxun that she was hungry; she realized she hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch.

With a sigh, she didn't feel like cooking and opened the cabinet to grab a bottle of milk and some bread.

This unhealthy lifestyle had to change, but she kept forgetting.

"Ugh... ugh..."

Perhaps her stomach was too empty; after a few bites, Luo Qianxun felt nauseous and vomited into the sink, leaving her weak and kneeling on the floor.

Raising a hand to her belly, tears continued to fall.