Chapter 41 She's a Bad Woman_1

"You can't even begin to grasp how deep her scheming runs."

The more Li Mingxun heard Quan Zehao defend Luo Qianxun, the more he thought she was a bad woman.

A classic case of reverse psychology.

"Forget it, I won't try to persuade you anymore."

Quan Zehao knew any further words would be useless, as Li Mingxun had already categorised Luo Qianxun as a bad woman.


Li Mingxun picked up the wine glass, gave Quan Zehao a mock toast, then emptied it in one gulp.

"We're out of wine, I'll order some more from the bar."

Li Mingxun picked up the phone and called the bar, "Bring in two more bottles of the '82 Lafite."

"Alright. It'll be there in a moment."

The call was answered by Bai Xiaolian. After hanging up, she picked up two bottles of Lafite, put them in a basket, walked over to the VIP room, knocked on the door, and entered, "Hello, I've brought your wine."

"Just put it on the side table."