Chapter 62: Missing a Fire Timing_1

Li Mingxun was up early.

Jiang Xinjie opened her groggy eyes to look at him, "Why not sleep a bit longer?"

"I have a meeting this morning."

Li Mingxun fixed his tie, bent down to caress Jiang Xinjie's face, "I'm going to arrange for some work. After you are done with the month-long confinement, shall we go to S Country, how is it?"

"Okay, as long as I can be with you, I can go anywhere."

Jiang Xinjie smiled, Li Mingxun gently stroked the top of her head, then he walked out of the room.

Her phone rang. She saw the incoming call and furrowed her brows, cursing under her breath.

Entering the bathroom, she closed the door before finally answering the call, her voice somewhat irritated, "Didn't I tell you not to call me?"

"Jiang Xinjie, you're not thinking of taking this opportunity to ditch me, are you?"

The man's voice was displeased, even somewhat gloomy, "Aren't you afraid I'll tell Li Mingxun everything?"

"Cai Zhigang, don't be angry!"