Chapter 97 Don't Touch Me with Your Dirty Hands! (Updated Today)_1

"So? You're all hoping I'm dead?"

Situ Hao raised his eyebrows at Luo Qianxun and Bai Xiaolian, "I'm sorry to disappoint, but not only am I alive, I'm doing better than any of you."

"Situ Hao, why are you looking for me?"

Luo Qianxun blocked Situ Hao's hand, "We have no connection. Please stop bothering me in the future."

"Qianxun, we grew up together as childhood companions. How can you say we have no connection?"

Situ Hao grasped Luo Qianxun's chin, "You look even more stunning after not seeing you for years."

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

Luo Qianxun took a step back angrily, glaring at Situ Hao, "How is it possible that with all the wrongs you've done, heaven hasn't taken you back? Kept you here so you can continue to harm people?"

She had indeed grown up with Situ Hao, their houses were next door to each other.

Situ Hao was always trouble, damaging villagers' properties and challenging anyone who dared to question him.