Chapter 126: Why Lie? _1

"Jiang Xinjie, I don't know why you're lying, but it's none of my business."

Luo Qianxun shook off Jiang Xinjie's hand and walked away.

If she had known Li Mingxun would also be here, she would not have come, even if it meant annoying Situ Hao.

What status does Hong Liya have? How could she have invited Li Mingxun? From the way she greeted Situ Hao, it was apparent they had met before.

Jiang Xinjie squinted at Luo Qianxun's retreating back and followed her out.

She only said those things to gain Shen Liya's attention. She hadn't considered the consequences.

"You two are here!"

On seeing them, Shen Liya became extra enthusiastic, "My company has developed a new face mask, currently for my personal use only. You two try it on and give me some feedback."

Shen Liya motioned for Mao Jie to come up, but Luo Qianxun quickly waved her hands, "I won't try it. I'm allergic to face masks."

Luo Qianxun couldn't admit she was pregnant, so she had to make up an excuse.